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This blog, brought to you by PerformanceVertical consulting, will cover major leadership issues of the day. I will attempt to find the topics and issues that business people as well as others will find relevant and interesting. I hope to make a difference and have an impact. Please join me in this quest.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Leadership: Communicating a Vision and Defining a Result

“I am not planning based on a one-day market reaction. In fact, you can argue that a lot of the problems we’re in have to do with everybody planning based on one-day market reactions, or three-month market reactions, and as a consequence nobody was taking the long view.

“My job is to help the country take the long view — to make sure that not only are we getting out of this immediate fix, but we’re not repeating the same cycle of bubble and bust over and over again; that we’re not having the same energy conversation 30 years from now that we had 30 years ago; that we’re not talking about the state of our schools in the exact same ways we were talking about them in the 1980s; and that at some point we say, ‘You know what? If we’re spending more money per-capita on health care than any nation on earth, then you’d think everybody would have coverage and we would see lower costs for average consumers, and we’d have better outcomes.’ ”

--Barack Obama, 2/13/2009.

Charting a course that we can follow, President Obama continues to remain calm, thoughtful, and focused in the face of a crisis and partisan criticism. President Obama, despite a lack of support from Republican senators, is set a course to get his stimulus package passed so that the country can begin to dig itself out of a deep recession. His strong leadership continues to be a model for the future.

For more about leadership go to the Handbook of Leadership: